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Dragon Ball: Akira Toriyama, the Japanese manga creator, passes away

At the age of 68, the author of Dragon Ball, one of the most popular and influential Japanese comics ever, passed away.

Akira Toriyama’s studio said on Friday that the artist had an acute subdural hematoma, or bleeding close to the brain.

Around the world, Dragon Ball is incredibly popular, and animation and movie adaptations of the comic book series have also been produced.

Supporters have given Mr. Toriyama recognition for developing characters that they identified with as part of their youth.

In 1984, the Dragon Ball comic series made its debut. It centers on Son Goku, a young boy on a mission to gather mystical dragon balls in order to protect Earth from Saiyans, alien humanoids.

When Mr. Toriyama passed away, he still had unfinished projects.

According to a statement from the Dragon Ball website, he passed away on March 1 and only his immediate family and a small number of friends attended his funeral.

“He would have a lot more goals to pursue. He has, nevertheless, left this world with a great deal of manga titles and artwork, according to his studio.

“We hope that everyone will continue to enjoy Akira Toriyama’s distinctive universe of creation for a very long time,” the statement continued.

Akira Toriyama in a photo taken in 1984
Akira Toriyama in a photo taken in 1984

Supporters expressed their condolences on social media.

“I appreciate you making a manga that captures the spirit of my youth. “May you rest in peace and know that I appreciate all of your hard work,” a post on X received 500 likes right away.

“Too soon, too depressing,” penned a different Japanese X user.

“His legacy will live on forever. Another user added, “Thank you for creating Akira, the most iconic anime character of all time.”

Born in 1955 in Nagoya, Japan, Mr. Toriyama made his debut in the comic book industry at the beginning of the 1980s with Dr. Slump, a narrative about a young robot named Arale and her scientist creator.

However, Dragon Ball was his best-known creation. Many fans believe that Son Goku’s transformation from a young child who struggles with his martial arts training to a high-flying hero who can shoot electrical bolts from his hands is a reflection of their own challenges as they grew older with self-doubt.

Fan fiction authors and cosplayers who wear their hair in a manner reminiscent of the characters’ pointed, spiky locks were influenced by Dragon Ball.

Numerous languages have been dubbed for the animated version, and Dragon Ball action figures are a mainstay in toy shops across Southeast Asia, China, and Japan.

Speaking to the Japanese newspaper Asahi in 2013, Mr. Toriyama said he had “no idea” how Dragon Ball got to be so well-known all across the world.

“Given how it helped someone like me who has twisted, difficult personalities do a decent job and get accepted by society,” he said, praising the show as a miracle.

According to news agency AFP, he stated, “When I was drawing the series, all I ever wanted to achieve was to please boys in Japan.”


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